Measuring one’s cervix height usually helps determine the size of the R/evolution product that a R/ebel may find most comfortable/well-fitting. You may measure during regular days but remember that this may or may not change while you're on your period. The best time to measure your cervix height/placement is still during your period when one's cervix usually sits at its lowest. When in your period, it also helps to measure during different days so you know if your cervix height adjusts throughout your cycle.

Step 1

Wash your hands thoroughly.

Step 2

Find a comfortable spot. Usually users sit on their toilets at home where there is running water and where one may feel comfortable with the process of measuring.

Step 3

Reach into your vaginal opening and feel around for your cervix. It is usually described as a firm but soft flesh—similar to that of the feeling of the tip of your nose.

Step 4

Upon touching it, take note of where your finger becomes visible outside of your body by resting your thumb to the immediate part where your finger is exposed.

Step 5

Pull out your finger and take note of this length. Check the knuckle in which the length falls or for a more accurate measurement, use a ruler to find out your specific cervix height.

It helps to measure one’s cervix height prior to buying an R/cup or R/disc (we understand that you have a budget!), but in order to really find the best R/evolution product and the most suitable size for you, the best method is to still try one out for yourself and go from there based on how it fits you and your needs.

Low Cervix Placement

44 mm or lower

For a R/ebel on the lower side of the spectrum of cervix placements, you may want to opt for R/evolution products that are smaller in size. With that said, the following products may work best for you:

R/evolution Menstrual Cup - Extra Small
R/evolution Menstrual Disc - Small
R/evolution Menstrual Disc 2.0 - Small

Average Cervix Placement

45 mm or 55mm

For a R/ebel with an average cervix placement, most R/evolution products can be an option for you. It helps to consider which cervix placement you are closer to (low or high) in choosing the R/evolution product for you. You may want to include the following in your choices:

R/evolution Menstrual Cup - Small
R/evolution Menstrual Disc - Small or Large
R/evolution Menstrual Disc 2.0 - Small or Large

High Cervix Placement

56mm or above

For a R/ebel with a high cervix height, larger R/evolution products you may find it comfortable to remove as they will be easier to reach than the smaller ones. You may look at the following options:

R/evolution Menstrual Cup - Large
R/evolution Menstrual Disc - Large
R/evolution Menstrual Disc 2.0 - Large